There are both pros and cons when it comes to hiring full or part-time employees. Either way, the type of employees working for a company directly affect its end products and customers’ experience. At Affordable Structures, we consider it a pro that our modular builders are full-time – and it doesn’t just benefit us. Experience and quality assurance are just a couple of the ways our customers benefit from the full-time modular building construction crew at Affordable Structures.
Commitment – Full-time construction crews are vested in their company just like any other full-time employee. As a part of the company hired for a job, full-time modular builders take on more responsibility for project and its outcome than a hired crew because they will still be around after the job is complete.
Consistency – When you choose Affordable Structures, you can expect to have our modular building construction crew working on your project from start to finish. This helps ensure consistency in quality, methodology and results.
Experience – Because the modular builders at Affordable Structures are full-time, you can be sure that our team not only has general industry experience but also specific, specialized experience in the construction of prefabricated buildings.
Additionally, companies invest more in full-time employees than they do part-time workers. At Affordable Structures, we invest in our team of modular builders in the following ways:
- Ensuring they are up-to-date on industry standards and best practices.
- Providing training and continuing education opportunities.
- Leveraging our partners and construction associations as resources.
Even though part-time construction crews can lower a company’s overhead, we strive to build the highest quality modular buildings rather than to save ourselves money. At Affordable Structures, our goal is to revolutionize the way that modular manufacturing and off-site construction is performed and viewed. Partner with us today!