A black and white image of a long strip.You can see overcrowding happening everywhere. In our schools, hospitals and offices people are sitting on top of one another. When overcrowding has become too much to bear, moving into or building a new space both seem like obvious options but they are not always the most viable. Both possibilities have high costs and slow turnarounds. Modular construction can address both the immediate and long-term solutions to your school, medical clinic or office’s space problem at a lower cost than most other methods.

Overflow Solutions

Rather than putting strain on your staff by turning a one-person office into a space for two or three employees, consider temporary buildings to accommodate your business’s growth. At Affordable Structures, we have temporary modular buildings for lease and for purchase. Our available modular building inventory includes temporary spaces with multiple rooms and bathrooms, ranging from 653 to 3,256 square feet. These buildings have been previously used as classrooms, offices and show rooms.

By investing in temporary space for a year, you gain time to find or build a new office while maintaining comfort for staff and visitors.

Expansion Solutions

Outgrowing an office, school or medical clinic ultimately has one solution – expansion. Whether you decide to add on to an existing structure or move into/build a bigger building, consider modular construction. Modular buildings can be completed in 40-60% less time than traditional construction and significantly reduce project costs. Some of the ways we accomplish these efficiencies as by:

  • starting and completing construction off-site while current site is being prepped and started.
  • using centrally sourced materials to save money on supplies and resources.
  • following a standardized process in a controlled environment that allows for “lean†practices.


5 Signs You’ve Outgrown Your Space

  • You’ve converted conference rooms into office space.
  • Parking has become challenging.
  • Filing cabinets and closet storage have run over into the hallway.
  • The break room and common areas cannot accommodate enough people.
  • There’s an increase in employee turnover.