Many of our clients want to know how soon we can deliver and install a modular building.  The answer typically is faster than you can be ready for it!

This blog will layout the correct sequence of a modular building project that will get you in the fastest while protecting you from spending more money than you need. If you want more information, contact Affordable Structures today.

  1. Design your building with your modular builder and begin the process of generating plans for sign off.A black and white image of a long strip.
  2. Hire a civil engineer to get site approval for your building including:
    1. Site layout
    2. Parking
    3. Stormwater Management
    4. Site lighting
    5. Irrigation
    6. Landscaping
  3. Review and approve the sign off plans for your modular building.
  4. General Contractor submits for Building Permit
  5. Building permit is approved
  6. Release modular builder for material procurement and production
  7. Complete sitework (concurrent process with manufacturing) including:
    1. Building pad
    2. Site access
    3. Utility roughins
    4. Footings and stemwalls (if required)
  8. Deliver modular sections to site
  9. Install modular building
  10. Make utility connections / install voice / data / fire alarm
  11. Install decks / ramps / steps / sidewalks / parking areas
  12. Install landscaping
  13. Get Certificate of Occupancy

While every project differs, this is a typical sequence of events to a successful building project.  Consult your local permitting authority to determine their specific requirements.